Hi Sophie! Love your art work and writings. I just upgraded my subscription, with pleasure. Cannot resist the allure of bird painting videos. I am only human. Just wanted to say that I am a tea fanatic. So much so that I switched from drinking coffee to tea about 10 years ago. Nothing wrong with coffee mind you. Fortunately for me, on the part of Vancouver Island I live on, we have a wonderful fancy tea shop with loose teas of every variety. White tea is my latest obsession. Will have to try your friend's iced tea iteration. I grew up in the 70s, and frozen juice concentrate was ubiquitous in nearly every household. Thanks for sharing.

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Holy cow I LOVE that sticker. And anything related to Arnold Palmers.

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If you inexplicably and completely unnecessarily wish for a word you would find in an English dictionary, you might consider "enliven". Thank you for sharing your TPJSM!

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I loved this shirt so much as soon as I saw it that I had to order one immediately!! (Am also excited for the sticker 🥲)

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Blood (to me) tastes salty. You know what tastes like pennies, or a mouthful of change, anyway? Paxlovid, the COVID drug! I had to take it when I had COVID and not only does it make your mouth taste like sucking on pennies right when you take it, the metallic taste lasts and lasts until juuuuust before you have to take it again. You get a brief shiny moment of, "suddenly everything tastes good again!" and then it is time for your next dose. Blech. Maybe someone can work Paxlovid into their next thriller, instead of blood. :-)

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Sophie, this is one of my favorites of your posts ever! I love the floating hedgehog and your description of the tea and summer joy - unforgettable! And always your particular thoughtful and lovely style of writing. It's its own kind of refreshing joy to parched reader eyes. Thanks for being you.

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I have a thriller to recommend! The Return of Ellie Black by Emiko Jean. It’s well-written, has some emotional depth, and also very gripping, but not torture porn (although there is kidnapping.) I read it in a day and a half because I couldn’t stop.

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thank you for this sophie. i’m bravely facing some rough stuff right now and this helped bring a bit of sunshine into my day. ♥️

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I need the pro crying sticker in my life!

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dear sophie,

this is beautiful. thank you for sharing it. here are some of the lines that leapt out at me that i love, among this whole journey which i hope i'm not spoiling and i don't think i can and i recommend everyone read everyone sophie writes starting with this if you want:

"This is the exact time of year you should get a little more obsessed with tea."

"It’s not really OK that Jill’s backyard is as good as it is."

"Now I see that you should put an irresistible cup of something in front of someone, no questions asked."

"I took one sip of this iced tea, and friend, it will sound hyperbolic to tell you that I WEPT, but that is the NAKED TRUTH. You can ask Jill; she saw. (I was a little bit on my period, but also, this tea was INCREDIBLE.)"

"Many things are difficult. But there is tea."

thank you! from one tea-lover to another!



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“ When joy shows up, you must STOP EVERYTHING. Hold it, still, as though a butterfly has landed in your palm.”

This is something everyone need to know! Love it.

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The way you SEE and knit words together is delightFULL. Thank you!

(And i think you are referring to “Rainier” cherries. I discovered their deliciousness when i moved to western Washington state 28 years ago in the shadow of Mt. Rainier. The mountain is stunning and so are the cherries.)

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PS “Rainier (/reɪˈnɪər/ ray-NEER) is a cultivar of cherry. It was developed in 1952 at Washington State University by Harold Fogle, and named after Mount Rainier. It is a cross between the Bing and Van cultivars.”

PPS i just realized for the very first time that “rainier” contains the word RAIN! And yes, it can be quite grey and rainy here in the PNW which makes days of clear blue skies and sunshine particularly exquisite…. TPJSMs💗

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I'm always late to these posts but YAY for the reminder to make iced tea. YES I NEEDED THAT reminder <3

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