12 hrs agoLiked by Sophie Lucido Johnson

hello I love you I needed this

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This is such a beautiful article. I totally feel the same. I LOVE THINGS. But I also love peace, and I don't know how to marry the two things. It's a tricky balance!! I feel like you're getting there! Very proud of you

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Loved this, but I need to ask: Is the cat on the roof alive?

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OMG i'm so sorry to scare you. It is a tinsel cat. Made of tinsel. Never alive, except in our hearts.

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Okay, Sophie. I was revising an article, opened Substack on my phone for a break, and saw a 13+ minute voiceover by you.

Since the title confused me, I decided to click and listen. I rarely just listen, but I did anyway.

You cracked me up, Sophie. Your extemporaneous detours during reading were so cute I wanted to squeeze your cheeks 🤗

I'm saving your post so that I can remember who you are.

BTW I'm so glad I can slow down recordings, and I usually speed them up to 2X.

No way could I speed yours up 😂

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Oh my gosh, the tooth brushing thing completely resonates. A few years ago, my sister and I were talking and marveling over the fact that some people brush their teeth ONLY ONCE A DAY, and it wasn’t just us (that’s how we grew up). I now brush my teeth twice a day, but growing up we always brushed before bed. because, yes, we did just brush our teeth last night! And my sister told me (and somehow this blew my mind) that her husband also grew up brushing his teeth only once a day - but in the morning! Anyway, do what works for you - and a reminder (in the words of my mother in law): you only need to brush the teeth you want to keep.

I keep thinking I don’t like nuts but then I eat them and am happy about it nearly every time.

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My toddler came up with this joke based on "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" (a favorite for a while): "One goldfish, two goldfish, FART! One goldfish, two goldfish, POOP!" He laughs hysterically. Feel free to try it on T. XD

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I'm glad you know about that empty shelf saying. I think about that frequently. Space is good for our brains.

I also have 237 spatulas, but I truly use them all the time, and I get them all dirty, and then I wish I had 238.

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I dont care about most things and am forever giving stuff away, since it somehow just comes to us? Idk. My 4 yo started making wordplay really early and it is just fantastisc to have a kid you can crack jokes with.

Thank you always for your writing, i am always happy to find sth of yours in my inbox.

Take care and have fun!

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Oh my god I've never felt so...seen and understood and attacked and loved, maybe ever? In no particular order: I find brushing before and after breakfast is actually the best option. I like to brush after most meals, to be honest, and I think most people would really enjoy this if they put it into action.

The Kiziks - sneakers you put on without bending over - really are quite great, I'm sorry to say.

This all reminds me of a Substack by AHP a few years back, in which she said, and I'm paraphrasing, "You're really trying to buy a life you want to have or a person you want to be." And I know it's true and the FreeWrite did not help me write more and the tea kettle did not encourage me to have bedtime tea and the notebook did not solve my life...but the right running shoes did turn me into a runner and the light up vest does make me much more comfortable/safe walking the dogs at night and the good kitchen knife did make me like cooking better. So how will I know unless I try? This is a rhetorical question by someone who did just sign up for rock climbing lessons. And a nature writing workshop. And several full moon hikes.

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Stumbled across this e-mail, almost deleted then took a look, listened and just plain relaxed and enjoyed.

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This stopped me in my tracks. Holy hell, I feel SEEN. Thank you!! (And switching to paid is something I’m keeping in my to-do list, because you deserve it. If Substack allowed in-app upgrades, I’m convinced they’d have a much higher conversion rate. In any case, THANK YOU!!)

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Thank you for writing this gonna go throw everything I own away

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