This! 10/10 👏👏👏👏

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*Also aquaphor or blistex for chapped lips in winter.

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Aquaphor all year round! Also, do you care to share your bird feeder details? Signed, someone who is keeping their squirrels well fed. :D

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I am currently a fan of Cannon Balm [Offensively Large Sunscreen Lip balm SPF 15.]

Peeps should be aware that Aquafor has lanolin in it (which is an allergen if you are allergic to sheep’s wool.)

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So nice to see a post that reflects how I'm feeling during the winter. There are some great things about this time of year, but it's so much harder when there's not as much sun and there's all these holiday obligations

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As one of those people listening in New Zealand, this did make me very summer-grateful (especially in the South Island, where it doesn't get dark til 9:30pm...) but. Hear me out.

Having the two big year events (Christmas and summer) at the same time, with each of their pressures to have the Best Time, really sucks when you're struggling with that same end of year fatigue. Especially when the shipping deadline for sending things to people I love overseas was the 1st December! Who is that organised??

So I can still send genuine love and sympathy across the world, because summer Christmas isn't all beach days and stonefruits (although, thankfully, at least a little bit of it is).

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I just have to say that a) YES TO ALL OF THIS! and b) I am absolutely in love with the illustration of the little flock of birds in the tree branches 😍

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First time listening to your weekly

Newsletter. It’s awesome and funny. Keep up the good work

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I am in New Zealand , so thanks for the qualifier. ;)

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A lovely read and gorgeous illustrations.

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Yes! All of this but especially just your voice in my ears and the focus it allows me to give just to you and what you write.

Also: I recently found myself in Seattle without chapstick and bought badger balm cool mint cocoa butter lip balm and it is perfect. Smells like mint and chocolate. The size (and shape) of a child’s glue stick makes it so satisfying to use. I’ve tried to put it on my dad, my sister, my best friend, pretty much anyone near me who says their lips are chapped. Which reminds me that if your lips ARE chapped then I recommend Burt’s Bees overnight lip moisture balm/mask stuff. It’s in a pink little round applicator. Do it at night and wake up ALMOST ALL BETTER.

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Nivea is my only lip balm. Also, i am so sorry about sleep bc of little kid!! That is the worst.

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dear sophie,

thank you for this as always!

there's so much of value in here, and this summation is beautiful:

"The main thing you can do is understand, fundamentally, that this is a hard time and that is not your fault. You’re overwhelmed, overworked, and spread too thin. You’re drained. Be gentle with your sweet animal self. And: be gentle with people on the train, at the supermarket, who walk their dog when you’re walking to the post box. Say hello. Don’t take it personally when they don’t say it back. The most radical thing you can do this time of year is take what you need as much as you can, recognizing that it won’t always be this way. The year has seasons; we have to ride the wave."

thank you!



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I loved listening to Sophie's reading of today's "You are doing a good job." It felt really real, and I allowed myself to work on an art project while I listened, which made the whole experience delightful. Thank you sophie.

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Thank you for the reminders - I myself especially needed the reminder that traveling is hard! I see myself as a person who loves traveling and is “good” at traveling, but yea, it is hard as well!

It’s nice to have permission/a nudge to give myself and others grace at this time of year.

Thanks for the New Zealand shoutout and hello to my fellow New Zealand dwellers! Sending love and long light 🌞to my friends in the northern hemisphere we will hold summer for you until it is your turn again, at which point I will need to re-listen to this essay 💖

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Thank you for this. It hit home and gave me comfort.

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