This was such a helpful post. I recently bought post-its of various colors (one color per category of "to-do" like my farm business, writing, house work, etc.). Those column of tasks live on a wall, and every few days I pull a few to stick to a little board that has three columns: TODAY, TOMORROW, and DAY AFTER TOMORROW. I plan in three-day cycles like this. But I often end up having to push things to the next day because I rarely finish what I stuck on today. So now I'll try to cap it to five and see what happens.

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dear sophie!

this is great as always.

some specific great things:

-- that pie chart!

-- "The amount you did was enough. Not necessarily enough to please your boss, but enough for you to feel good about waking up tomorrow and facing the day again."

-- the idea of rest being a human right!

-- all of your introspective "nonsense"! (i'm a big fan of nonsense, and also i think you make a lot of SENSE)

-- FIVE THINGS! (this is the fifth great thing i listed. there are more, but i'm following your lead. thank you for all of this!)



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I also really appreciated this post! I've been a subscriber for a while but recently started working full time. Your newsletter has offered a lot of validation as I've transitioned to having a lot less time for myself and a lot more that needs to get done. Thanks for the important reminder that rest should be a right and that sometimes the expectations for productivity are impossible.

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Thanks for this post! Definitely productivity is my biggest area of feeling “not enough,” and that is almost always because of my own unrealistic expectations of what I can do and how long each task will take. I like the idea of choosing 5 things, including one that is fun/spiritually nourishing.

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Wonderful post, Sophie - thank you! And 'mild calendaring' - I LOVE this.

I know I'm feeling overwhelmed because for weeks now my A5 daily logs have been filling an entire page - streams of notes, appointments, reminders, rants to self, rants about others (yup, I'm that person), to dos and dones. When I'm more stable they're half a page, tops. I'm concentrating on the most ridiculously trivial things, so my bullet journal is a full-on overwhelm of micromanagement. Still, I hope that the fact that I've recognised this - and that isn't healthy - is keeping me just on the right side of trouble.

I'm going to try your five things. THANK YOU.

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first of all, happy birthday to T, and happy birth day to you Sophie! T makes such a cute flower.

second, thank you for the reminder about trying to do too much, and for the idea of 5 things. much needed on my end, and brilliant.

third, i too really struggle with that internal critic. lately she’s been VERY loud. and it’s hard to get through the days being yelled at internally. so thank you for sharing with us, it makes me feel a lot less alone.

i hope you have a great weekend celebrating T (and celebrating yourself too!) 🎉🎉🎉

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Flower T is amazing!! Also I wanted you to know I shared your five things methodology with a friend experiencing a difficult job search. He was experiencing overwhelm and loved the concept of goal setting in a more attainable way. Thanks for conceptualizing it so articulately!

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Today is one of those days where I really needed to hear all of this.

Hell, THIS WEEK is one of those weeks.

Time to build rest into my schedule.

Thank you for everything you do, Sophie! 🙌🏼

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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this, I love the 5 things rule. Your newsletter is such a treat, I hope to be able to buy myself a yearly subscriptions by this Xmas. Thank you for the work you put in it! :)

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Wow, that flower baby!! Happy 1st bday to baby T 🌸🥳🕊️ and hell to the yeah on this whole post! The grind culture is real and rest is radical as The Nap Ministry’s Tricia Hersey preaches -- so necessary and so hard to do for many. Loved the pie chart. Can you make it t-shirt or card? Lol never mind. REST!!

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If only I could scrap my to-do list for your 5 things list. Heavenly, delightful post. And I enjoyed reading all the comments. Thank you!

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This was the POST that I didn’t know I needed desperately. As someone who beats herself up regularly for not doing enough and does not appreciate the rest time that I have been gifted, this was an eye-opener. It made me look at things from a different perspective. Thanks!

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excited to discover you work and this one hits the spot.

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I really love this one.

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